Overview of program

The department provides a Media and Communication Studies undergraduate program. Our courses are created to help students explore their interests and polish their skills in communication and media studies in both theoretical and practical contexts. The department provides media related specializations in Digital Media, Broadcast Media, Corporate and Strategic Communication, Drama and Film, Print Media and Communication Theory & Research. Our broad range of specialist courses guarantees that students will have the chance to refine their skills in the chosen field and explore their particular areas of interest.

Eligibility & Criteria


  • Intermediate with 45% marks or A – Level with 50% marks or Equivalent.

Tentative Study Plan

Semester I (New scheme of study)
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Introduction to Media and Communication Studies 3
2 Functional English 3
3 Islamic Studies/Ethics 3
4 Fundamentals of ICT 2
5 Everyday Science 3
6 Quantitative Reasoning-1 (Skills) 3
Semester II (New scheme of study)
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Mass Media in Pakistan 3
2 Introduction to Art, Literature and Culture 2
3 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2
4 Quantitative Reasoning-2 (Tools) 3
5 Media Industries 3
6 Governance and Public Policy 2
Semester III (New scheme of study)
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Expository Writing 3
2 Theories of Mass Communication 3
3 Broadcast Media 3
4 Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising 3
5 Social Psychology 3
6 New Media & On-line Journalism 3
Semester IV
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Technical Writing 3
2 Media Laws & Ethics 3
3 News Writing & Reporting 3
4 Videography 3
5 Photo Journalism 3
6 Graphic Designing 3
Semester V
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Theories of Mass Communication 3
2 Gender & Media Studies 3
3 Fundamentals of Mass Communication Research 3
4 Interpersonal Communication 3
5 Urdu Journalism (Sahafat) 3
Semester VI
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Development Communication 3
2 Global Communication 3
3 Media & Current Affairs 3
4 Elective-I 3
5 Elective-II 3
Semester VII
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Media & Society 3
2 Intercultural Communication 3
3 Project Proposal 3
4 Elective-III 3
5 Elective-IV 3
Semester VIII
Sr.No. Course Name Crdt.Hrs
1 Political Communication 3
2 Media Entrepreneurship 3
3 Research Paper/Project 3
4 Elective-V 3
5 Elective-VI 3
BS (Mass Comm)
Sr.No. Fee Detail Charges
One time Charges Rs.
1 Admission Fee 12,765.00
2 Registration Fee 9,435.00
3 Library Security Refundable 2,200.00
Total 24,420.000
Per Semester Charges -
1 Tuition Fee 74,557.00
2 Examination Fee 2,331.00
3 Maintenance Charges 3,497.00
4 Audio Visual Aids (AVA) Fund 932.00
5 Library Subscription 932.00
6 Magazine Fund 222.00
7 Documentation -
8 Medical Aid 444.00
9 I.T Services 1,100.00
10 Computer Lab -
11 Sports Fund 555.00
Total: Per Semester: 84,580.00
Total: 1st Time Charges: 109,000.00